Special Merit Award Recipient in 2005
Other Magazines Category
Case District III Advancement Awards Program
2004, 2003, and 2002 Editions included in winning entry.
The Editors
- James L. Senter, Class of 2004, English major.
- Ryan E. Head, Class of 2004, Biology Major.
- Michael P. Peters, Class of 2006, English Major.

“This year’s editors and Dr. Mabrouk proudly and respectfully dedicate the eighth edition of The Gold Star Journal to Cadet Thomas Rachelski. Called upon to serve his country in the midst of his senior year at The Citadel, Cadet Rachelski bravely and unquestioningly accepted his duty as a member of the Army National Guard….Tom, we have sorely missed your knowledge and leadership throughout the process of publishing this journal, and we only hope that our finished product meets your expectations.” The 2004 Gold Star Journal
To view the entire 2004 edition, click this link or the cover above.
Featured Papers
- “Terrorism: Why has it been difficult to define, and what are its broader implications?” Michael R. Hudson, Class of 2004, Political Science.
- “Andrew Marvell’s ‘A Dialogue between the Resolved Soul and Created Pleasure’: A Poem of Hope,” D. Ryan Pratt, Class of 2004, English.
- “Britannic Americanism: Colonial Identity Within Eighteenth Century South Carolina,” Garrison D. Groh, Class of 2004, Double Major in History and Spanish.
- “The Blue Cone/Green Rod Rhodospin Promoter Region and the Deletion of the Section Within,” Ryan E. Head and John G. Speck, Class of 2004 and 2005, respectively, Biology.
- “Henry V: The Dependency of his High Reputation upon His Early Death,” Scott M. Somerset, Class of 2005, Business Administration.