The Student Scholarly Journal of The Corps of Cadets and The Citadel Graduate College
Now Accepting Submissions for the 2025 Edition until December 14th.
2024 Edition
The Gold Star Journal (GSJ), which was founded in July 1996 by Dr. Suzanne Mabrouk (Chemistry Department), promotes academic excellence at The Citadel through the publication of cross-disciplinary, nonfiction papers and creativity and ingenuity through the publication of artwork, photographs, and photo stories. Selected nonfiction papers demonstrate effective writing, research skills, and critical thinking. Featured artwork and photographs commemorate the life of Citadel students. Photo stories depict experiences mostly through photographs and minimal prose. The journal is published annually for Corps Day, which occurs in mid-March.
The Gold Star Journal Academic Conference
Tuesday, April 1st from 6-8 PM in Capers.
Authors, Artists, and Photographers’ Testimonials
2023 Gold Star Journal wins 5 Prestigious Awards
We encourage the submission of work from all majors on campus. Over the years, the following departments have been represented in the journal: Biology; Business Administration; Chemistry; Cyber and Computer Science; Criminal Justice; Education; English; Health and Human Performance; History; Honors Program; Intelligence and Security Studies; Mathematics; Mechanical Engineering; Modern Languages; Political Science; and Psychology. One edition included a prize-winning essay written for a Truman Scholarship.
Since 2016, The GSJ has also provided the featured authors, artists, and photographers an additional venue for sharing their work with the greater Citadel community, the annual Gold Star Journal Academic Conference (GSJAC). Through this experience, authors and editors hone their public speaking skills. Authors also develop their ability to make their material appropriate for a general audience. The work of the artists and photographers is prominently displayed at the conference. The conference occurs annually the first Tuesday in April. Please consider submitting your work to The Gold Star Journal.