The Citadel Clubs and Organizations
The Campus Club Coordinator (CCC) is responsible for the annual process of chartering and supervision of all official Citadel clubs and organizations. Participation in campus clubs and organizations allows students to participate in a variety of extracurricular activities and are an important part of The Citadel’s leadership development process.
FORMING A CLUB OR ORGANIZATION: Any group interested in chartering a club or organization on the Citadel campus must review the most recent versions of The White Book, Chapter 4-Cadet Services Section 1-Cadet Activities and the Club Advisor Handbook before entering any information to the Annual Club Charter form. Any club or organization that does not submit the requested forms in full by the deadline (1 October, 2023) will not be recognized as an official Citadel club and therefore not allowed to raise funds or hold meetings as an official club until the following academic year. All club and organization questions should be directed to the CCC, Shelton Milner at (843) 953-4875.
- List of Approved Cadet Clubs and Organizations, as of 4/3/2024
- Club Sports Information – The Intramural, Club, and Recreational Athletics’ (ICRA) Club Sports program provides the structure for a limited number of student-run competitive sports teams. ICRA strives to operate safely while keeping the educational mission of the college at the forefront and within the limits of available resources. Sports that ICRA does not sponsor include those not governed by the NCAA, Southern Conference, intramurals, hunting or fishing clubs are listed at the link above. Contact the CCC for further clarification.
- Annual Club Charter form – To charter a club or organization, the annual club charter PDF form must be completed in full and submitted to the Campus Club Coordinator NLT 1 October during the fall semester of each academic year.
- Semester Performance Reports for Club Officers – Club Leader Assessment Form for club officer evaluation and feedback to be provided to TAC officers for visibility of leadership development via club pursuits and activities. The advisor reports allow rank board members to review your input on a cadet’s leadership capabilities.
- Semester Financial Reports – To be submitted to the CCC before the end of each academic semester.
- Volunteer Request Form – Club advisors not employed by The Citadel are required to submit this form to work with Citadel students. Take only once.
CLUB FINANCE REQUIREMENTS: It is mandatory that all club financial accounts be kept with The Citadel’s Finance Department in an agency index account or department account. There are no exceptions.
- Request to Establish a Club Agency Fund. To open a club Index account, all sections of the attached form and submit to Financial Services. Instructions are included as part of the form.
- Club Fund Raising Permission Form – All club fund raising activities, on campus or off, must be reviewed and approved by completing and submitting this request form. The fund raising request requires signatures from the club advisor, the building manager where the event is to take place, and from a Sodexo representative when food or beverage items are being sold or served as part of the fund raising event.
MANDATORY ADVISOR TRAINING: In accordance with Mandatory Training Policy Memorandum Number 6-125 dated 13 March 2023, all club and organization advisors, Citadel employees, and non-Citadel volunteers are required to complete the following trainings and keep them current./ up to date for the academic year. Trainings are accessed through Lesesne Gateway. The Citadel tracks the currency of all required training to insure that all involved with Citadel students are up to date and compliant with school regulations. Refer to the Club Advisor Handbook for more information.
OTHER FORMS / DIRECT LINKS to forms & documents regarding clubs:
- Annual Club Charter form
- Annual Performance Report for Club Officers
- Club Advisor Handbook
- Fund Raising form
- Leadership SPOT Report– Club Member SPOT Report Form can be used to acknowledge club members’ contributions to club pursuits and activities.
- Mandatory Training Policy Memorandum Number 6-125 dated 13 March 2023
- Request to Establish Agency Fund form
- Semester Financial Report
- Patch Request Form- Sample
- The White Book, Chapter 4, Section 1
- Treasurer’s Office PDF forms– These forms are not required but are helpful for club financial transactions. These include Petty Cash, Student Mean Money Receipt, Cash/Check Transmittal, and Credit Card Transmittal.