Personal Support Services
The Citadel offers programs that enhance the educational experience of students transiting from high school and throughout their academic careers.
| Sexual Misconduct: Prevention and Response Services | Counseling| MUSC at Murray Infirmary | The Campus Alcohol and Drug Information Center | Veteran Student Success center | Parents and Family Program | Fitness | Ombudspersons |TAC Officers | Cadet Activities | Public Safety, ONE CARD, Parking | Chaplain/Faith based Support |
Sexual Misconduct: Prevention and Response Services
The Campus Advocacy Response and Education Office (CARE) serves as the single point of responsibility and oversight for The Citadel sexual assault policy. The overall goal is to educate cadets, faculty, and staff of The Citadel community on issues relating to sexual misconduct, prevention, response and advocacy. CARE provides victim support and response services for all cadets, evening students, faculty, and staff.
Lastly, CARE advocates by providing information and support to cadets, faculty, and staff affected by sexual harassment, sexual assault, and interpersonal violence. The objectives of CARE’s sexual assault policy are to enhance and improve:
- Victim response
- Program oversight
- Prevention through training and education
For private and confidential assistance with sexual misconduct, sexual assault, sexual harassment, domestic violence, or dating violence concerns, please contact the Director of the Campus Advocacy Response and Education Office (CARE), Dr. Ashley Gil- more. Additional information is available at
Dr. Ashley Gilmore, Director (843) 953-7277
Ms. Valerie Mercado, Title IX Coordinator (843) 953-6881
The Counseling Center provides confidential, short-term
counseling services to currently enrolled students. Counseling is provided to address personal issues such as concerns about anxiety, depression, family problems, relationship difficulties, substance abuse, and/or academic achievement. Students are encouraged to stop by or call for an appointment.
In addition, the My Group Student Assistance Program
provides free, confidential telehealth services including counseling (video, telephone, or in person) and a 24 hour a day, 7 days a week telephone hotline for cadets. Cadets are encouraged to access these services for personal concerns such as stress and anxiety, depression, and relationship concerns. Cadets can also contact My Group directly for telehealth counseling and hotline support at their web page at, or call 800-633-3353.
For additional information, visit the Counseling Center web
page or call 843-953.4827.
MUSC at Murray Infirmary
Medical services are available to all cadets at The Citadel
MUSC at Mary B. Murray Infirmary. The Medical University
of South Carolina (MUSC) operates on a 24-hour, 7-days-aweek schedule during the school year when cadets are on
It offers both in-patient and out-patient care with lab, x-ray, and pharmacy. The Infirmary’s professional staff consists of a full- time physician, a nurse practitioner, athletic trainers, seven registered nurses, and two nursing assistants.
Dr. Geoff McLeod, Medical Director (843) 953-6847
9 Hammond Avenue (843) 953-4827
Email: FAX: (843) 953-6860
The Campus Alcohol and Drug Information Center
The Citadel prohibits the use of illegal drugs by faculty, staff, and cadets, and it supports only the legal use of prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. The Citadel has a clear and unwavering policy of zero tolerance to drugs. Whether on or off campus, the possession, solicitation, distribution, sale or use of hallucinogenic, narcotic, other controlled drugs or substances, or any drug paraphernalia, except in accordance with a legal prescription for such substances for the student possessing and using it, will result in permanent expulsion. The Citadel reserves the right to test members of the Corps and conduct periodic searches of campus property for the presence of illegal drugs and controlled substances. The use of tobacco or smoking products of any type is prohibited on property owned or controlled by The Citadel except for campus
residences (not including the barracks) and as authorized
by the President.
For private and confidential assistance with alcohol, tobacco and other drug concerns, please contact the Director of the Campus Alcohol and Drug Information Center (CADIC), Mr. Kevin Modglin. Additional information is available here.
Mr. Kevin Modglin, Director (843) 953-0510
Email: or (843) 813-6326
Veteran Student Success center
The Veteran Student Success Center provides support and resources to veterans, active duty members, and dependents. The center offers veterans and active duty members a dedicated space to study, relax, and connect with peers. Staff is available to help navigate VA educational benefits and serve as a liaison between student veterans and the community.
Ms. Sally Levitt, Director
204 Richardson Avenue
(843) 953-9824
Parents and Family Program
Parents and families play an important part in the lives of their student as one of their key advisors. Our goal in the Parents and Family Program is to provide information to you. If you are not sure who to speak with on campus, need more information on a particular issue, or just want to bounce an idea off someone, we are here to help. You can find information on a variety of subjects and provide feedback on our Welcome Parents and Families Website. We also invite you to join the Parent and Family Portal which is a great source of information.
CAPT Taylor Skardon, USN, Retired (843) 953-6088
In addition to individual counseling from the Counseling
Center and medical support from the Murray Infirmary, the Department of Health and Human Performance in Deas Hall offers opportunities and facilities to enhance physical fitness for students, faculty, and staff. For cadets, the required physical activity program provides an exemplary environment and experiences that contribute to an improved quality of life. The program offers basic instruction in adult and lifetime physical fitness, healthful living, physical activities, and recreational sports which are of immediate and lasting value.
The Commandant’s Physical Effectiveness Program includes assessments in the areas of physical fitness and weight management. Cadets are expected to meet specific standards every semester as a member of the Corps. Remediation programs are designed to enhance and assist all cadets in meeting these requirements.
Ms. Mary Ellen Huddleston, Director (843) 953-7955
Campus Recreation
An Ombudsperson is an informal, neutral, independent, and confidential resource for any problem or issue to include discrimination, harassment, mistreatment, fourth-class violations, and/or hazing. An Ombudsperson may be contacted 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Services are available to all Citadel students, parent of students, staff and faculty.
Mr. Shamus Gillen, MBA
Holliday Alumni Center, Alumni Affairs
Email: or
(843) 953-7698 or (843) 743-9487
Dr. Lee Westberry
Bond Hall Rm. 237
Email: or
(843) 953-5188 or (843) 478-8175
COL John Robinson, Jr., JD, MBA
Bond Hall Rm. 369
(843) 953-4822
or (713) 557-7584
TAC Officers
Each battalion is assigned a Battalion TAC (Tactical officer) and each company a Company TAC. These positions are filled with retired and reserve military officers. TACs monitor the day-to- day functioning of cadet units including formations, inspections, drill, physical training, mess operations, barracks life, guard duty, discipline, and personnel accountability. They also teach, advise and coach cadets, and are responsible for leadership training.
1st Battalion LCDR Adcock (843) 953-0506
2nd Battalion LTC Sharp (843) 953-2101
3rd Battalion LTC Polites (843) 953-5245
4th Battalion LTC Brace (843) 953-1722
5th Battalion Lt Col Fortenberry (843) 953-5365
Cadet Activities
The Cadet Activities staff is dedicated to providing a rich and robust college experience to all of our cadets. Through events and programs, our cadets are encouraged to socialize, donate their time and participate in clubs. All of this is oriented to rounding out the education of our cadets and helping to develop principled leaders to our nation.
SFC Arthur Rich, Director
211B Mark Clark Hall
(843) 953-0217
Public Safety
The Citadel Department of Public Safety (PSAF) is a full service law enforcement agency with all state-certified and state- commissioned police officers, charged with ensuring the safety of all students, visitors and staff.
ON-CAMPUS EMERGENCY (campus phones only): 8-1-1
OFFICE for NON-EMERGENCIES: (843) 953-5114
Chief Michael Turner, Director of Public Safety
208 Richardson Avenue
(843) 953-5145
ONE Card, Parking Decals and Passes
ONE Card (Citadel ID Card) and parking decals are obtained in this office.
Ms. Penny Mayton, Director
ONE Card & Parking
207 Richardson Avenue
(843) 953-1585 or (843) 953-7000
Chaplain and Faith based Support
The Citadel Chapel offers a variety of ministry to cadets and students, including worship services, mission opportunities, counseling and support services. Additionally, the Chaplain and Associate Chaplains are available to support everyone with complete confidentiality and unbiased understanding. There are over 20 different campus ministries that operate on campus providing worship and counseling services. Please see the resources listed here and reach out to the Chapel office with any questions or concerns.
Chaplain, LTC Aaron Meadows
Associate Chaplain, 1LT Alexis José
Associate Chaplain, 2LT Stephen Rutland
(843) 953-HOPE (4673)
Summerall Chapel (843) 953-5049
Catholic Campus Ministry (843) 261-0442
Mr. Tony Licari
Mark Clark Hall, 3rd Floor
Anglican Campus Pastor (843) 516-5116
Reverand Rob Sturdy
Mark Clark Hall, Room 342
Holy Ascension Orthodox Church (843) 343-7187
Father John Cox
Jewish Student Support (843) 497-2449
Jordan Kodner
Muslim Student Support (843) 720-8614