Grades and Grading System on Lesesne Gateway
Final and midterm grades are not mailed to students. End-of-the-semester grade reports and midterm progress reports are made available electronically through the Lesesne Gateway Student Tab and BANNER Self-Service. For information about releasing grade information to parents or other recipients, please consult our FERPA information web page.
Graduate Grading System
Only letter grades are given to evaluate a student’s progress. No numerical symbol or percentage is fixed or assigned to the equivalent of any grade. For purposes of ascertaining a grade-point average, grades are defined and weighted as follows:
Grade | Evaluation | Quality Pts Per Semester Hour |
A | Superior | 4 |
B+ | Very Good | 3.5 |
B | Good | 3 |
C+ | Above Average | 2.5 |
C | Unsatisfactory | 2 |
F | Failure | 0 |
I | Incomplete | 0 |
P | Passing | 0 |
IP | In Progress | 0 |
W | Withdrawal | 0 |
- A – A grade of “A” represents work of a high quality.
- B+ – A grade of “B+” represents above average quality work.
- B – A grade of “B” indicates average graduate work.
- C+ – A grade of “C+” indicates below average graduate work and is an unsatisfactory grade.
- C – A grade of “C” is unsatisfactory.
- P – A grade of “P” indicates work of acceptable, graduate-level quality. While it signifies work of “A” or “B” level, it carries no quality points and is awarded only for designated courses such as workshops, internships, etc.
- F – A grade of “F” indicates that the minimum requirements have not been met. No quality points are awarded.
- I – A grade of “I” represents work of satisfactory quality incomplete for authorized reasons. Incomplete “I” grades must be made up during the term following the recording of the grade. A grade of “I” received in the fall term must be made up by the end of the following spring term. A grade of “I” received in either the spring or summer term must be made up by the end of the following fall term. An extension of time not to exceed one additional term may be authorized for extenuating circumstances by the appropriate dean. Grades not made up within the authorized time limit will convert to a grade of “F,” and such courses will be included in calculating the GPR.
- W – A grade of “W” represents withdrawal from a course prior to the scheduled withdrawal deadline. No quality points are associated with the “W”, and there is no academic penalty for the student.
- IP – A grade of “IP” assigned for courses in which requirements are not expected to be met in one academic term. The grade of “IP” must be removed after two full semesters, or the “IP” becomes an “F.” The summer session will not be considered a semester in this case. Under extenuating circumstances, an extension may be awarded by the Associate Provost for Academic Affairs with the recommendation of the instructor. The removal of the “IP” is the responsibility of the student. Students may not enroll in a course in which they currently have an “IP”
- Grades of A*, B+*, C*, C+*, C* and F* are awarded for professional development coursework only.
Cumulative Grade-Point Ratio
In addition to completing all specific program requirements, in order to remain in good academic standing, The Citadel Graduate College requires students to maintain a 3.0 GPA. Failure to maintain this GPA results in dismissal from that program. Should a student be enrolled in multiple programs or certificates, a cumulative GPA is not sufficiently accurate in determining a student’s academic standing. In such cases, the standard used to determine their eligibility is the student’s GPA in that particular program, not their cumulative GPA.
Other Transcript Notations
- The grade of P* is designated for undergraduate pass/fail zero credit hour course work.
- The grade of F** is designated for pass/fail, zero credit hour course work and pass/fail graduate course work.
- The grade of P*** is designated as pass/fail for academic forgiveness.
- The grade of F*** is designated as pass/fail for academic forgiveness.
- The notation of AU denotes that a student is/has audited a course.
- The notation of NR denotes that no record exists.
- The notation of NS denotes that no grade has been submitted.
- The notation of CN denotes that a course was continued.
- The notation of “E” to the far right of the margin denotes repeated course; Exclude GPA and Hours.
- The notation of “I” to the far right of margin denotes repeated course; Include GPA, Exclude Hours.
- Graduate Credit: Courses carrying graduate credit will be numbered 500 or above.
Repeat Transcript Notations
Any letters in the R column indicate that a class has been repeated.
If a class has been repeated, one of the following values is displayed:
- A – The class is excluded from earned hours but included for GPA calculation.
- E – The class is excluded from both earned hour and GPA calculation.
- I – The class is included in both earned hour and GPA calculation.