DSP Course of Study
Fall Semester:
Applications due September 16; interviews will be held September 23. Candidates will be selected by the end of September and paired with mentors. Scholars will attend the fall dinner November 12.
Spring Semester:
Take “HISS 303-01, Honors/DSP History”; participate in all enrichment activities; meet with mentor.
Summer Session:
International or domestic service experience (apply for grant).
Fall Semester:
Attend DSP Open House in the Johnson Hagood Stadium Club Level, 3-5pm on September 9.
Take “ENGS 304-03, Honors Advanced Writing”; participate in all enrichment activities; attend fall dinner; begin selecting service project and appropriate fellowship and/or graduate school opportunities; meet with mentor.
Spring Semester:
Take “ELES 304-02, Preparing for the Future: Learning from Distinguished Leaders”; participate in all enrichment activities; meet with mentor.
Spring Break:
Optional travel for work on Distinguished Scholar Project; scholars may apply for grants up to $2,000 to fund the experience.
Summer Session:
International enrichment service project (apply for grant).
Fall Semester:
Attend DSP Open House in the Johnson Hagood Stadium Club Level, 3-5pm on September 9.
Take one Honors course; submit fellowship and/or graduate school applications; participate in all enrichment activities; attend fall dinner; meet with mentor.
Winter Break:
International experience (if not taken the summer before).
Spring Semester:
Starting in 2025, take “ELES 304, Distinguished Scholars Project”; participate in all enrichment activities; meet with mentor; attend spring closing banquet dinner; celebrate graduate school admission and/or fellowship award.