Cadet Company Connection Request
Notice: The request form for the Fall 2024 matriculation is no longer available.
Incoming Cadets may request that another incoming Cadet be assigned to the same company. The request must be reciprocal; each incoming Cadet must submit a form with the other Cadet’s name and CWID. Only one request per each incoming cadet. Pairs will be assigned to the same company, but will not be assigned as roommates. Connections cannot be guaranteed for legacy requestors, Palmetto Battery, or Band due to space constraints. Brothers and Sisters are not assigned to the same company, but can be assigned to the same barracks upon request. Requests must be submitted by Midnight (EST), July 15th, 2024 for the 2024 matriculation.
Cadets will be assigned to one of 19 companies. Each company will be housed together in one of the five battalions (or barracks). Each company is assigned a TAC officer, which is a former active-duty military officer assigned as adult supervision.
Deadline: The form must be submitted by Midnight (EST), July 15th for the request to go through for the Fall 2024.