We Offer Day, Evening, and Online Programs for Veteran Students.
Veterans have access to ALL of the programs at The Citadel. Veteran students will be in an environment that understands and appreciates their military service. Our Veteran students fall under the following academic categories:

Veteran Day Student
An individual who provides evidence through a DD 214 of honorable discharge from one of the Armed Services indicating a minimum of 90 consecutive days of full-time federal active service, other than active duty for training. Veteran Day Students take classes alongside cadets but do not have the military requirements of the Corps of Cadets.

College Transfer Student
A student who has earned credits at another institution and is seeking to complete their bachelor’s degree. They can transfer their credits to The Citadel and complete their Bachelor’s in the evening or online. Visit our programs page for a list of degree offerings.

Graduate Student
A student who has obtained a bachelor’s degree and is seeking a master’s degree or graduate certificate. The graduate-level classes are offered in the evening or online. Visit our programs page for a list of degree and certificate offerings.

Active Duty Student
An Active Duty student is a student who is part of the Active Duty commissioning program on campus.

Returning Cadet Veteran
A cadet serving in the National Guard or reserve component of one of the Armed Services that is called to active federal duty, other than for training, while being a member of the Corps of Cadets can return to The Citadel. They can return as a Veteran day student as long as the former cadet receives a DD-214 indicating an Honorable Discharge from Active Duty. The returning cadet veteran may elect to return to the Corps of Cadets.