Partners for Innovation in Education
Organizations commit to support the School’s mission to prepare principled educational leaders and improve the quality of education throughout the state of South Carolina through multi-year funding for innovation in education.
Our Mission
Outreach efforts are specifically aimed to improve educational outcomes of K-12 youth in South Carolina. Through a dual focus on the professional development of diverse educators and the academic achievement of K-12 students, we prioritize and focus our efforts on resolving long-standing challenges in education through innovation.
We could not do what we do without the ongoing support of our sponsors!
Recent Successes
The Center for Mathematical Inquiry was created to support the professional development of math teachers to improve the statewide 68% pass rate for students taking algebra 2. It is through these types of strategic initiatives that ongoing progress and educational improvement occur.
New Programs and Initiatives
- Micro-Credential in Equity & Access – focused on cultural and linguistic diversity; equity in teaching; and social/emotional learning
- Cyber Camps – Trailblazer program to support middle and high school students in interdisciplinary cybersecurity
- Rural Outreach – Partnering with over 15 school districts throughout the state of South Carolina to address the low pass rates of high schoolers
- Mobile Development – Citadel faculty deliver higher education services and professional development to diverse communities through the state
Contact Us
+1 (843) 953-5097