Intramural Game Rules
Table Tennis is a Tier 3 event. Events are open to all students, faculty, and staff. Individual players are responsible for reviewing the schedule and reporting to play. The overall time commitment will be minimal. Events may require unique athletic skills or physical fitness.
Desired roster size is one (1) team. No more than two (2) teams per company may participate.
Per the published schedule, players report to the Deas Hall Gymnasium.
Competitors begin in the pool at the shallow end. The distance required is 200 meters. Swimmers will exit the pool and tag the sprinter on the pool deck.
Sprinters leave Deas Hall and race along Grier Avenue to Summerall Gate, where they tag cyclists. The distance is approximately 400 meters.
Deas Hall does not provide bikes. The cyclist may mount their bikes after the sprinter tags. The rider must wear an approved helmet; Deas Hall has helmets to lend. The bike distance is approximately 4 miles; see course map.
Runners may begin after the cyclist tags. The run distance is approximately one (1) mile; see course map.

While the Intramural office will provide several course monitors, on and off-campus roads will not be closed to traffic. All bike and run participants must use caution during their event, e.g., watch for cars and pedestrians, ride single file through Hampton Park, and avoid excessive speed around corners and over rough pavement.