Accounts and Passwords FAQ
How do I install the Microsoft Authenticator App?
You will be prompted to install the Microsoft Authenticator App when you sign into the My Citadel portal for the first time.
Be sure to follow the installation tutorial carefully, as the instructions require both a mobile device and a computer to complete. (Install Guide)
If you experience any issues or have any questions,please contact the Help Center at 843-953-HELP
How do I reset my Citadel Password?
Once you have configured the Microsoft Authenticator App, You can reset your Citadel password here:
Passwords requirements:
- Must contain at least 12 characters.
- Use of uppercase letters, numbers are encouraged.
- You will not be able to use old passwords, common Citadel words, or easy to find personal information (i.e. birthday, Citadel, bulldog, etc.)
- We recommend taking time to craft an easy to type passphrase that is memorable and secure
If you experience any issues or have any questions,please contact the Help Center at 843-953-HELP
How do I log into the My Citadel Portal after leaving the Citadel? (BannerWeb)
After you graduate or leave the Citadel you will lose access to the My Citadel Portal.
Once this happens you can log into BannerWeb with your CWID and Pin to access tax documents and pay bills.
If you need your pin reset, please contact the Help Center at 843-953-HELP
How to request a new faculty / staff email account?
You can request a new account by filling out the form located here (Account Request Form).
Why don’t all usernames begin with first name or last name?
For various reasons, not all usernames are generated the same way. The format for username may begin with the first or last name or your initials followed by numbers. The username must be a unique identifier to ensure information for each person is secure.
Why do I need to know my Campus Wide ID or CWID?
Development is underway to integrate many ancillary systems with our new Enterprise Information System. The campus wide ID is a unique, numeric identifier that is being used by various systems to bridge your information from one system to another. Some systems require you to input your CWID (sometimes called ‘see-wid’) number.
I have to remember my passwords…how can I manage this well?
Establish a strong 12 character password using the password guidelines recommended for the My Citadel Portal. It requires passwords to have strict parameters to help you select a safe password. If you modify your other passwords to match it, you’ll have fewer to remember. Do not store passwords in places that are easy for others to find.
Always remember to logout completely and shut-down computers you use in public areas such as computer labs on campus before you leave the room to protect your personal information.
If you are leaving the vicinity of your computer while it is logged in at your desk, you can press the Windows key simultaneously with the letter “L” to quickly lock it temporarily; then enter your My Citadel Portal credentials when you return to unlock it.
How long do I get to keep my Citadel email account?
The Citadel provides email accounts to active students, faculty, and staff.
Students who become inactive before graduating will have their accounts disabled, they can request that the account be enabled upon returning as a student.
Employees who separate from The Citadel will follow the normal account retention policy.
-Upon request, the Help Center can set up an “Out of Office Reply” for a separated employee’s email account, providing email senders with an alternate point of contact. This automated response will remain active for 30 days.
-Efforts should be made by departments requiring access to data from a departing user’s account to transfer this data to an accessible location before separation. For assistance with data transfer, contact the Help Center at 843-953-4357.
-If data transfer isn’t feasible, the IT department can, upon request from the Department Head of the departing employee and approval from the CIO or designated authority, export one year of email data. This data can be accessed by the Department Head or their designee for a period of 30 days.
-For additional email data beyond the one-year export, the Department Head can request access to the entire email account of the separated employee for up to 30 days. Approval for this request is required from the General Counsel for The Citadel as well as the CIO.
-If no requests for data retention are submitted, email accounts will be purged at the separation date and become non-recoverable after 30 days.
-Exceptions to these access and data retention guidelines must be approved by the CIO or their designee.
Faculty members granted Emeritus status will retain their email accounts. If an account remains inactive for two years, it will be disabled. Reactivation requests can be made by Emeritus Faculty members at any time.