About the Regimental Band

The Citadel’s Regimental Band

While the Regimental Band and Pipes functions as a single cadet company at The Citadel, it has two parts – the Regimental Band and The Citadel Pipe Band.

Formed in 1909, the Regimental Band is made up of about approximately 70 cadet musicians recruited from around the world. An important segment of cadet life at The Citadel, the Regimental Band contributes to the morale of the Corps and helps to maintain the martial atmosphere of the campus.

The band is an active organization that provides a service to The Citadel in many capacities. It performs during the Friday afternoon dress parades and buglers control the daily schedule.

Members of the Citadel band performing during parade

The Regimental Band is active at football games and inspires Citadel athletic teams and fans with its Pep Band throughout the year. Contributing to The Citadel’s annual Christmas holiday celebrations, members form an ensemble that accompanies the many cadet choirs in the Christmas candlelight service. Numerous other events round out the yearly schedule, including holiday parades in the community, formal ceremonies and special events around the state. The Regimental Band annually performs in concert at weekend events for parents and alumni and each spring holds an annual concert that welcomes the Lowcountry community to The Citadel campus.

 Regimental Band

The Regimental Band, like the other cadet companies, provides its members with opportunities to develop their leadership skills. Many band members and pipers move through the ranks and obtain senior positions of leadership within the Corps of Cadets. Members pursue commissions in the U.S. military and excel in law, government, business, industry, medicine and higher education after graduation.
