The Citadel’s Parents’ Weekend 2024!
Friday through Sunday
September 27-29, 2024
Updated with links to order shirts, totes and meals
Weekend Summary
Welcome to the 2024 Parents’ Day Weekend Parents’ Webpage! This page will get updated as we get closer to the weekend, but this should help with making your plans now. To ensure you don’t miss any updates, make sure you are on The Citadel’s Parent and Family Portal. Being on the Portal allows you to receive emails with important information that may not make it as quickly onto this site.
Order your Parents’ Weekend T-Shirts, Tote Bags and Lunches for Saturday by clicking here.
Parents’ Weekend is a jammed packed weekend which we know will be a wonderful time for the families of our cadets. Because it is packed with events, the more you plan the weekend with your cadet, the more enjoyable it will be. Take your time to read through this page and the three accompanying pages, then consult with your cadet as we get closer and make your plan. Also, keep checking the Parent and Family Portal for updates. We will use the Portal – so make sure you are signed up!
Let’s start with a summary of the General Leave Schedule for the weekend then a summary of each day’s events. At the end of each page you can click on a specific day to get a more detailed description of the events and our recommendations. If you have a hard time with Military Time or just want to double-check, click here for a converter website.
General Leave Summary
Action Item for Parents and Families:
As we get closer make sure you verify the times with your cadet
- The last class on Friday afternoon will be the noon class that ends at 1250.
- Upperclassmen may leave after their last military duty which for most will be their last class. Seniors will be allowed to stay out overnight. Leave expires for Juniors and Sophomores at 0100.
- Freshmen may leave after their last military duty and stay out until Midnight. When their last military duty is depends on what needs to be completed before the rest of the weekend. It should be early afternoon at the latest. Make sure they know they need to keep you informed of when they can leave.
Saturday Night: General Leave begins after the football game
- Upperclass to 0100
- Freshmen: Midnight
Note: Cadets authorized overnights can take them Saturday night. Also the times above may be modified by the President based on the recommendation of the Commandant and the Regimental Commander. Their recommendation is based on the week’s performance of the Corps and the efforts of their Families’ cheering at the game – so come and make some noise!
Sunday: You can pick up your cadets as early as 0530.
- Seniors must return by 2230.
- Juniors, Sophomores and Freshmen must return by 1950.
Daily Events Summary
Don’t forget about the Clear Bag Policy. Although the article only refers to Athletics, it will also be in force at the Ring Walkthrough Ceremony on Friday night.
Friday: 27 September 2024
0900-1300: Pre-ordered shirts and tote bags pickup and new sales – 2nd Floor of Mark Clark Hall – Click Here to place your order
1030-1130: The CFA Annual Meeting – this annual business meeting kicks off the weekend. Guest speaker is General Walters where he will provide his update to Parents and Families – Buyer Auditorium, 2nd Floor of Mark Clark Hall – remember, all parents are members!
1100-1700: Come and visit our new Art Gallery on the first floor of Capers Hall. A nice place to wait for your cadet while they get their ring or finishing up some duties in the barracks.
1345: Seniors march to Summerall Chapel from their battalions across the Parade Field. If you intend to watch, please make sure you do not stand in the Avenue of the Remembrance in front of the Chapel. The road must remain open to traffic until the Seniors arrive.
1400-1530: Class of 2025 Ring Presentation – for Cadets Only – in Summerall Chapel. This ceremony will be live streamed – check back here for the link. On the way out they will render honors to the War Memorial then joyfully head to their company areas for additional celebrations!
1700: Ring Reception in Deas Hall for Senior Cadets and their families. This serves as a staging area for those going to the Ring “Walk Through” Ceremony. Recommend arriving at least 30 minutes before the time your cadet’s company is expected to walk through the ring. We will update this page with additional information, like Company times, as we get closer to the weekend.
1800: Sword Arch performance followed by the Ring “Walk-Through” Ceremony.
Company Walk Through Times – remember to get there 30 minutes early.

Saturday: 28 September 2024
0730: Pre-ordered Parents’ Weekend shirts and totes pickup and sales – 2nd Floor Mark Clark Hall – until 1300. Closed during Parade. Click Here to Order
0800: The Art Gallery in Capers Hall will be open until 1400.
0800: 2nd Battalion – Band Rooms open for Band Parents – since they will have other commitments
0830: Barracks Open for all Parents and Families until 1015
0845: Kelly Cup Finals – Padgett-Thomas Barracks Quad – quiet please!
0945: Rifle Legion Performance – Padgett-Thomas Quad
0955: Freshmen Promotion Ceremony (Respective Company Areas) – Don’t miss this one!
1015: Barracks closed to visitors
1100: Dress Parade – Jeep Review and Awards Presentation
1200: Lunch – see more details on the individual days.
1300: Formation and March to the Stadium
1400: Kickoff – Go Dogs! Beat East Tennessee State! Get your tickets HERE!
Sunday: 29 September 2024
General Leave begins at 0530
0900: General Protestant Worship in Summerall Chapel, which will include a special “Blessing of the Rings” and reception following the service.
1700: Catholic Mass – Summerall Chapel
Additional Information
Weather: Too far out to predict the weather right now, but in the past the norm has been upper 70’s to low 80’s. Please remember to bring sunscreen, sunglasses and hydrate before arriving. You may want to consider bringing a hat for shade, or better yet, check out the Citadel bookstore for the latest in Citadel headgear!
Shoes: Keep in mind there will be a lot of walking, so make sure you wear some comfortable shoes!
Map: You can find the map of campus by CLICKING HERE.
Handicap Services: CLICK HERE to read our Handicap FAQs
Traffic: Traffic in Charleston can be unpredictable. Worst times are Monday-Friday afternoons. Please plan accordingly, especially for the Friday night “Walk-through” Ceremony. Recommend getting to campus early for the events on Friday and Saturday.
Parking: Parking on Campus is difficult on big weekends like Parents’ Weekend. Saturday is the worst. The problem is not that everyone arrives at the same time, but that we don’t have the room to fit all the cars coming on campus. If you think you’ll fare better by coming later after traffic dies down, you may find yourself parking far from campus and missing the morning’s events. In the past Public Safety has had to close the gates to oncoming traffic before 0915 – so come early or take a ride share like Uber or Lyft.!
Traffic will enter through Lesesne Gate and flow around campus until you get to Summerall Gate which is next to Mark Clark Hall. When you exit Summerall Gate you will enter Hampton Park. We will request a permit from the city to park in the area of Hampton Park behind Mark Clark Hall on both Friday and Saturday. Public Safety will have personnel on station if you end up parking in Hampton Park. If you park outside of our designated area in the Park, you may receive a $45 ticket from the City.
The City monitors street parking. If you have to park off campus, make sure you don’t park in a restricted area. There is parking across from Joe Riley Baseball Stadium which the Brigadier Club manages on Saturday. They will open Saturday morning at 7AM – cost is $15 for the day.
We strongly recommend using a ride share program like Uber, Lyft or a taxi.
Handicap Parking is available on campus for those vehicles displaying the appropriate credentials. For this weekend we designate the parking spaces around the parade field for handicap parking (except Jones Avenue which runs in front of the Barracks) as well as the normal reserved spaces on campus.
Saturday is a full day. Make sure you get some rest Friday night, arrive hydrated and know where you want to be and when. Have a plan that you and your cadet have agreed on. Know where you will meet and when – and make sure they contact you if they get held up – or need to take a nap!
If you are not on the Parent and Family Portal you may miss important updates, so sign up today!
Start planning now for a Great Weekend!
Go Dogs!
For each day’s events and recommendations, please click on the links below: