The following information from the Centers for Disease Control is provided to help you to decide whether you may have influenza (either seasonal flu or swine flu). The differences between symptoms of the common cold and influenza are as follows:
Gradual onset of symptoms | Sudden onset of symptoms |
Possible mild fever | Significant fever (100-104) lasting 3-4 days |
Possible mild headache | Severe headache |
Mild to moderate body aches | Severe muscle and body aches |
Mild fatigue | Severe fatigue, weakness & exhaustion |
Nasal congestion & sneezing | Chills |
Sore throat | Loss of appetite |
Possible sore throat Dry cough Possible runny nose | |
The amount of time from exposure to developing symptoms of influenza is from one to four days.
Persons with influenza may be contagious from one day before symptoms until seven days after the onset of symptoms.
There are antiviral medications available for the treatment of influenza, which can reduce the severity and shorten the duration of influenza if administered early on. If you become ill with symptoms of influenza, you should seek medical evaluation, preferably within 48 hours.
In the meantime, drink plenty of fluids, rest, gargle with warm salt water and take Tylenol or Advil for relief of temperature and muscle aches.
Other ways to prevent contracting influenza are to avoid close contact with people with cold/flu symptoms and practice good hand washing, especially before eating and drinking. If you have symptoms yourself, cough or sneeze into your sleeve, dispose of used tissues appropriately, and pay special attention to hand washing. Seek medical attention within 48 hours if you have the above flu symptoms.