Mass Times:
Sundays: 1700
Confession Times:
Sundays: 1615-1650
Held in:
Summerall Chapel – Fall Semester
Buyer Auditorium – Spring Semester
(in Mark Clark Hall 2nd Floor)
*Please note: these times are only applicable during the academic year. There will be no Masses held on Sundays returning from furloughs. For Holy Days of Obligation, please refer to the Mass schedule of Sacred Heart Catholic Church.
The Diocese of Charleston has had the pleasure of ministering to the cadets of the Citadel through use of its own facilities. Under the guidance of Bishop Unterkoefler, and with the permission of President General Mark Clark, a location was appointed and approved for use by the Catholic Church on site. On March 22, 1967, the chapel and offices were blessed and opened to the students.
Located in Mark Clark Hall, the Christ the Divine Teacher Church served in the capacity of a parish for forty-three years. In May of 2013, the parish was suppressed by Bishop Guglielmone and the offices and space were rebranded as the Department of Catholic Campus Ministry at the Citadel. This ministry program fell under the jursidiction of Sacred Heart Church, and remains so to this day.
In August of 2020, the areas occupied by the department were fully renovated, as was the identity of the ministry. In full cooperation with the Diocese, the department was rebranded as the Fr. Lee A. Selzer Newman Center at the Citadel. This new center is open to everyone and serves the entirety of the cadets, faculty, and staff at the Citadel.

To this day, the Catholic ministry on campus enjoys a reputation of caring and supporting the cadets, regardless of religious background. Here they have the opportunity to attend and serve in the Catholic Mass on Sundays, take part in the ministry events every week, and escape the rigors of the Citadel by partaking in fall and spring retreats annually.