Career Opportunities
Physics is a great degree that can take you in many career directions. For example, graduates from 2021 are a ballistics engineer, graduate student in medical physics, and commissioned officer in the Marines planning to attend pilot training. Our majors become physicists in industry, research, engineering or education. Cadets who intend to become submarine officers, Air Force pilots, etc., are often advised to major in physics in order to prepare themselves for such military careers.

Physics graduates are trained and equipped to engage in multiple activities after receiving their undergraduate degree. At the Citadel, many of our graduates enter military service. Nationwide, the largest percentage, enter the commercial or government work force, beginning careers in engineering, business, finance, information technology, and various high tech sectors. Over 35% of physics graduates nationwide pursue further academic education. So what can a student do with a degree in Physics? The answer most appropriate is: Anything they wish to do!
The majority of physics graduates pursue careers in fields where they can put their knowledge and expertise to more practical applications, while some go on to become professional physicists. With their skills in problem solving, mathematical reasoning, computer programming, and organizing and interpreting scientific data, physics grads can move into governmental and industrial jobs that require an ability to think logically and creatively. Physics majors are well suited to jobs that require step-by-step problem solving using math skills and excellent observational and communications skills.
Physics graduates are sought by government and industry employers for jobs in: telecommunications, electronics, computing, quality control testing, banking, insurance, teaching, management, technical sales, and the armed forces. Students receiving a undergraduate degree in physics, tend to specialize in one or more areas of physics such as: Nuclear Physics, Geophysics, Atomic, Molecular or Optical physics, Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Physics, Meteorology, Physics Education, Engineering Physics, or Computer Science. Citadel Physics graduates have essentially no restrictions on what they can do after graduation. They have become doctors, lawyers, scientists, engineers, military leaders, industrial leaders, famous authors, and university presidents!