
Origins of The Wheel of Time: The Legends and Mythologies that Inspired Robert Jordan
by Dr. Michael Livingston (Tor Books, 2022)
Medieval Warfare: A Reader
by Dr. Michael Livingston (University of Toronto Press, 2019)
Black Crow, White Snow
by Dr. Michael Livingston (Audible, 2019)
A Mirror for Magistrates: A Modernized and Annotated Edition
by Dr. Scott Lucas (Cambridge University Press, 2019)
Women and Geography on the Early Modern English Stage
by Dr. Katja Pilhuj (Amsterdam University Press, 2019)

“‘A Cause Divinely Spun’: The Poet in an Age of Social Unrest”
by Dr. Licia Hendriks (Revisiting the Elegy in the Black Lives Matter Era, Routledge, 2020)

“State Conspiracies in Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World”
by Dr. Thomas Horan (Critical Insights: Conspiracies, Salem Press, 2020)