Welcome to the Undergraduate Research Office (URO). We are here to support undergraduates in their pursuit of scholarly activity. Our office manages cadet travel, research presentations during Academic Excellence Day, supports the Student Research Club, manages The Citadel Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE), and provides support for poster presentations.
The primary objective of the URO is to facilitate the engagement of undergraduate students in investigative inquiry, experimentation, or creative expression under the guided mentorship of faculty. Work pursuing any dimension of original exploration using qualitative, quantitative, design, or creative processes is encouraged.
If you have questions or want to be involved, please email uro@citadel.edu.
Excellence in Undergraduate Research Faculty Mentoring Award Nominations – 2023
Nominations are now being accepted for the Excellence In Undergraduate Research Faculty Mentoring Award. This award recognizes outstanding undergraduate research mentoring by a full-time Citadel faculty member/instructor. Recipients will have direct and significant involvement with undergraduate student researchers, a demonstrable commitment to the research mentorship of undergraduate students, and a record of effectiveness and impact with respect to undergraduate student research and success.
Nominees cannot apply directly for this award. Deans/unit chairs/department heads will submit nominations. Nominations by faculty also are permitted but must be routed through deans/unit chairs/department heads. Each department may nominate no more than one nominee (total) per award cycle.
The nomination period begins on 17 February 2023. All nominations must be submitted by 5 p.m., 22 March 2023 to Dr. John Weinstein, Assistant Provost for Research (weinsteinj@citadel.edu). Awards will be determined and announced at the General Faculty Meeting at the end of the semester.
For more details on the requirements of the award and the application process, please review the following. Details of the award
Citadel Academic Excellence Day – 2023
Students (graduate or undergraduate) from any discipline who are interested in presenting research/scholarly/creative work during Academic Excellence Day on April 7th are encouraged to apply. This year there will be poster submissions or creative works of art (photographs, paintings, drawings). Students will use the form below to submit an abstract submission describing their project. The deadline to submit is March 10th. If submitting a group project, only one member of the team should submit the abstract.
Written abstracts for both research and creative projects have a 350-word limit and should meet these criteria below.
- Clearly state the central research question and/or purpose of the project.
- Provide brief, relevant scholarly or research context (no actual citations required) that demonstrate its attempt to make a unique contribution to the area of inquiry.
- Provide a brief description of the methods used for this project.
- State conclusions, expected results and expected learning outcomes.
- Must be well-written and organized.
Applications should be submitted to the following site: https://forms.gle/fNPEkQpC8mwfy9U8A
For more information, contact Dr. John Weinstein, Assistant Provost for Research, at weinsteinj@citadel.edu.
Citadel SURE (Summer Undergraduate Research Experience) – 2023
The SURE Research Scholars Program provides outstanding Citadel undergraduates with a mentored research or creative experience enabling them to gain a deeper understanding of their field of study. The seven-month-long program runs from mid-May until mid-December. The Summer 2023 program will be an in-person experience and may extend through Fall 2023 (if agreed upon by the faculty and student). The expected outcome of the program is that the scholar will complete a substantial, original research or creative project that will enhance the scholar’s candidacy for admission into graduate or professional school, for receiving prestigious national scholarships and fellowships, or for securing positions in their chosen career. As such, the program is designed for those students who have a long-term interest in and commitment to the creation of original knowledge. More information will be provided in March when applications will be posted for students and mentors to submit to this program. Click on this link to see recent poster presentations from this program.
Please review the following for more details on the award’s requirements and the application process: SURE 2023 Program Details
Applications should be submitted to the following site.
For more information, contact Dr. John Weinstein, Assistant Provost for Research.

Marc Dolder and Calvin Pitts researching Pluff Mud under faculty mentor Dr. Simon Ghanat

Edward Cochran and Brett Blankenship (undergraduates) with USC Aiken students and Andy Fox (recent graduate) attend and present to SC congressional members during the “Day on the Hill” sponsored by the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) in Washington, DC.